Online Giving

Greetings CBCCS,

Some of you have asked how you can continue to give your offering to the church during our present crisis. First, we want to thank those who desired to contribute and simply mailed in a check to the church during this time.

As this pandemic has kept us from gathering together, the church leadership has decided to begin an online giving program for our church.

Giving our resources to the ministry of the church is an act of worship, as we desire the Lord to use our gifts and offerings for his glory. If you desire to give online, please take time to pray over how much you believe the Lord would have you give to the work of his ministry. Dedicate your offering to the Lord and from time to time, revisit how much you are giving and pray over it.

Giving or tithing is an act of worship. We base our giving on what God had given to us – our wonderful salvation in Jesus Christ and God’s goodness to us. May the Lord use our gifts to propel forward the ministry of his church, both locally and globally.

Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. ( 2 Cor. 9:7)

Securely Give Online

Your information is held securely by an SSL encrypted connection. This information will remain private and will never be given away to third parties, other than to process your scheduled contributions

Online giving can be accessed by clicking the icon on the bottom right of the screen or this icon:

and it will take you through a simple process of setting up your donation. You can choose how much, how often and when you would like the payment to be processed. You will also have two options for designating your contribution:
1. General Fund
2. Missions Fund.
Payments can be made either using your Credit Card or Bank Account.

Detail Instruction

CBCCS on-line offering steps in Chinese_v 1.0