Our Vision

To be the radiant bride of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Full Statement

We are a community of believers belonging to the church (bride) that Christ came from heaven to seek, to redeem, to purify, and to present to Himself a radiant church (bride), holy and blameless. (Eph. 5:22-33; Rev. 19:6-8; Rev. 21:1-4)

Our Mission

As God’s chosen and beloved people, we gratefully, joyfully, and solemnly pledge to be faithful to our Lord Jesus Christ.

  • We will be faithful to Him in Worship, loving Him, honoring Him, praising Him, thanking Him, and offering ourselves to Him as living sacrifices. (Luke 10:27; Rom. 12:1; Heb. 12:28-29; John 4:23-24)
  • We will be faithful to Him in Word, obeying all that He commands, and submitting to His sovereign rule. (Psalm 119; John 14:23-24, Luke 6:46; 2 Tim. 3: 16-17)
  • We will be faithful to Him in Welcome, seeking His fellowship daily, and sharing His love with one another. (1 John 1:1-4; Psalm 133; Acts 2:42-47;  John 13:34-35)
  • We will be faithful to Him in Witness: testifying daily to His love, mercy and grace. (Acts 1:8; Matthew 28:18-20)

Our Theme Song

The Church’s one foundation

Is Jesus Christ her Lord,

She is His new creation

By water and the Word.

From heaven He came and sought her

To be His holy bride;

With His own blood He bought her

And for her life He died.

She is from every nation,

Yet one o’er all the earth;

Her charter of salvation,

One Lord, one faith, one birth;

One holy Name she blesses,

Partakes one holy food,

And to one hope she presses,

With every grace endued.


The Church shall never perish!

Her dear Lord to defend,

To guide, sustain, and cherish,

Is with her to the end:

Though there be those who hate her,

And false sons in her pale,

Against both foe or traitor

She ever shall prevail.


’Mid toil and tribulation,

And tumult of her war,

She waits the consummation

Of peace forevermore;

Till, with the vision glorious,

Her longing eyes are blest,

And the great Church victorious

Shall be the Church at rest.


With this vision as our guide, and the Holy Spirit as our helper, let us live each day for Him in faithfulness, glorifying Him and enjoying Him, both now and forevermore.