Special Announcement

English Worship Service Registration Link <----****

Dear CBCCS brothers and sisters:
It has been over 10 months since we closed our church last March because of the pandemic. Though the pandemic has changed our life and prevented us from physically gathering at church, we thank God for His protection and allowing us to worship without ceasing through technology. The trend of the pandemic seems to go down slightly from the peak after the holiday and the vaccines give us some hope for resuming normalcy, however we should stay vigilant and not let our guard down. Considering the negative impact from lack of physical gathering for an extended period of time, church coworkers have been praying and discerning on how to resume physical gathering in a safe manner. During the last two months we had recruited and trained some brothers and sisters on ushering and disinfecting procedures and also ran through the logistics for implementing safety measures when allowing people to resume physical gathering. The task force and church coworkers are happy to announce that we are ready to reopen our church in February for Saturday worship services in the limited capacity (starting from 2/6).

To ensure everyone’s health and safety some preventative measures have to take place. Therefore if you want to participate in the live services on Saturday you will need to register ahead of time and follow all procedures. If you have any questions about the church reopening please feel to contact deacon Samuel.

1. Who can join?
If you are under age of 65, or over 65 but have completed all COVID vaccinations, and do not have underlying diseases that are considered as high risk. Teenagers can join the English worship. For the health of the children and allowing more brothers and sisters to join the worship, please do not take babies and children to the service at this time.
2. When is the registration timeframe?
The registration will open 7 days before each service and will remain open until all slots are filled. If all slots are filled when you try to register please go back to the registration site at a later time to see if any slots become available.
3. How many people will be allowed to join in each service?
Other than the worship coworkers, around 25 people will be allowed to join each service. The registration will be based on the family units. A family unit is defined as all people who live in the same household. The English service will have 10 slots total as many people come in as a family of 2 or more. The Chinese service will have 20 slots as many will be coming alone. Once all slots are filled the system will stop taking new registration. The number of slots may be adjusted according to the actual registration situation.
4. How to register?
The registration site is


. You can also go to our church website www.cbccs.org to access the link. You will need to fill out your personal and contact information and answer a few questions. An email confirmation will be sent to you after registration. If you put in your cell phone number you will also receive text confirmation. The day before the service you will receive reminder through email and text.
5. Can I just walk in and join the service?
Unfortunately not at this point. For everyone’s health and safety we really need our church family to cooperate and register online by Friday. This way we can collect all participants’ information and send out notification in the event when there is potential COVID exposure. If you do not register online please stay home and join us through the on-line worship.
6. What do I need to do when I go to church?
Please arrive 15 minutes early (11:15am for 11:30am English Service) and put on mask before entering church building through the main entrance. Ushers will greet you and guide you take temperature and clean your hands with sanitizer. The usher will then escort you to your seat. Mask wearing and social distancing is required while you are in the church. The opening area will be limited to the sanctuary and the bathrooms next to the children ministry.
7. What happen if I feel sick after registration or cannot attend the service because of personal issues?
Please follow the instruction on the confirmation email to cancel your registration so the slot can be opened to other worshipers. You will join us in the online worship!
8. Other than Saturday worship services can we use the church building for other gatherings?
Not at this point. We will monitor the situation and reopen our church gradually. We will notify the church whenever a new decision is made.

South Florida government food distribution location

Dear brothers, sisters, and friends of Chinese Baptist Church of Coral Springs

Our Lord Jesus is the Almighty God, who has the power over evil. He not only rescues sinners from the darkness and gives us eternal life, but also gives us hope and victory when we face difficulties and challenges!

Earlier, our pastoral staff and deacons made a decision that our church activities should follow the guidance from the local government and the school board. When the Broward County Public School Board announced on March 13th that all classes will be suspended starting on March 16th and transitioned all classes online, CBCCS decided that all church activities will follow suit. This is to protect our community, especially those who are most vulnerable, and to further prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

We know that when God calls us to be his sons and daughters, we are not only supposed to follow God individually, but also be a body in Christ together. We worship corporately, we live our life together, and we serve together. When we transition our church activities online, we hope we can continue to encourage brothers and sisters to care for each other, stir up one another to love and good works. Even If we have to connect through the internet, we will continue to gather without ceasing. The following are the adjustments that we will be making starting this week.

1. Sunday worship
1) Both English and Chinese services will be live-streamed. You can access the livestream through the link on our website.


or search CBCCS on YouTube. All worship services will be recorded so you can watch afterwards.
2) Offering: Offering is a way to give thanks and dedicate ourselves to God, as well as being a response to God’s commands. To help brothers and sisters to continue offering, our finance department will set up an online offering mechanism, which will be ready after two weeks. The details will be provided later.

2. Adult Sunday School – temporary suspended

3. Life Groups: we will postpone the start of life-groups to a later date, according to the pandemic situation. Before the start of life groups, each fellowship will continue gathering at its current form.

4. Chinese Adult fellowship
1) Luke and Matthew Fellowship: each fellowship will meet online using Google Hangout Meet. The content are as following:
i. March 20th: Matthew – Bible study. Luke – Pastor Tan’s Special Topic.
ii. March 27th: Matthew – Pastor Tan’s special topic. Luke – Small group sharing and prayer.
iii. April 3rd: Matthew – small group sharing and prayer. Luke – Pastor Tan’s special topic.
iv. April 10th: Good Friday Service through livestream
v. April 17th and beyond: Online bible study through the end of May.
2) Restaurant, Enoch Fellowship, and Wed. Mandarin Bible Study – suspended
3) AGAPE group: will meet through GoToMeeting.

5. English Adult Fellowship
1) LSEF – Gathering details will be provided later.
2) YAF – will continue to meet online.

6. JCYF – Gathering details will be provided later.

7. Children Ministry: We care for the spiritual growth of our children very much, therefore, our children ministry coworkers are preparing material for the parents so they can lead their children to learn at home. Besides this, coworkers will communicate with each child and their parents periodically to pray and to keep connected.

1) Children Fellowship (KCFC): Friday night gathering are suspended
2) Children Worship & Sunday School: Material –

click here (required password)

8. Prayer Meeting: Prayer meeting will be online and the details will be announced later

9. Church Meetings
1) Business Meeting on March 29th will be postponed til the end of April
2) Council Meetings will be held online

10. West Palm Mission:
1) Sunday Worship Service: please join CBCCS Sunday worship livestream.
2) Saturday Bible study: meetings are cancelled until further notice. Deacon Bill will inform all members of any future changes.

11. All other events:
1) April 5th: Baptism, transfer, and child dedication are postponed
2) April 10th: Good Friday Service will be live-streamed.

Hebrews 10:21 and since we have a great priest over the house of God, 22 let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, with our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water. 23 Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful. 24 And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, 25 not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near. (ESV)

Even though we cannot gather at church weekly like we used to, when we meet with each other online, may we still encourage one another spiritually, share what God is doing in our lives, encourage each other in faith, and continue to witness Jesus’ love in our communities!

In Christ,
Pastor Tan